Journeys to Health

Chapter 27: Teddy’s Progress and Success

Welcome to Chapter 27 of the Blog Series Journeys to Health!

Previously in Chapter 26 we introduced Teddy’s discovery of Nancy. He discussed an overall detox process he went through
before really noticing a difference in his body. Teddy also briefly discussed how his overall intake went, explaining how
his experience was different than any other place he went to before. This week, we go through Teddy’s progress and success
over the course of his treatment.

Did you feel that Nancy was pretty responsive and cared about how you were doing?

Teddy: Extremely.  Extremely caring, extremely…  Yeah, I mean, I was asking questions and let’s try this and let’s
try that.  I mean, it’s life changing for me, the progress

Nancy: That actually is true.  You look so different now compared to when you first came in to the process.  Your
face looks different.  It’s almost like you shed 20 years of age – it’s amazing!

Teddy: And people that haven’t seen me – you know, when I run in to people or see people that hadn’t seen me in a
few years, they’re, like, wow.  Even people that just know me, they say wow, you just look so much better, you’re walking
so much better, you look so much healthier.  It’s night and day.

Did you learn new lifestyle and self-care solutions?

Nancy: So, you really stuck to the food plan, which of course is based on traditional Chinese medicine and constitutional
type.  It’s not easy.  I have to say you’ve done better than most in this.  But It’s kind of a bedrock for you.

Teddy: Yeah. I have 21 meals a week, I mean because I eat three times a day. So I’ll have two, maybe three maximum,
cheat meals a week. And they’re not even like complete cheat meals. I mean when I’m home, I stick to the diet a 100%.
You know, when we go out to eat, I might have some french fries,  I might split a burger with my wife.  But I would say 85 – 90%
of the time I stuck to the diet that you’ve recommended. I take my supplements religiously. I have them always portioned out,
always ready. And my wife has been a tremendous help. She has vegetables always cooked, soups, you know just whatever I’m
going to eat.  If you don’t have the meals prepared, you’re always going to grab something that you’re not supposed to.

Teddy's Progress