thromboxane a2

Thromboxane A2 and Inflammation

What is Thromboxane A2?

Thromboxane is a type of “substance” or enzyme that is created by our blood
platelets. It’s considered a vasoconstrictor as well as an influential hypertensive agent. This means that it contributes to tightening muscles around small blood vessels
(like those in your lungs), constricts blood vessels in the brain (causing headaches),
and constricts blood vessels in the kidneys (making you urinate more).


Thromboxane reduces the overall blood flow in the body, but most especially at the site of a clot. At the same time, it provides an increase in blood pressure. It can stick around for a long time, resulting in cardiovascular problems if not broken down quickly enough or removed from circulation by special enzymes.

Inflammation & the Cardiovascular System

thromboxane a2Inflammation is a very normal immune response that occurs when your body
detects an infection or injury. It can be an annoying side effect that makes you feel swollen and sore, but it’s not always bad for you—sometimes it’s actually beneficial!

When injuries occur, tiny blood vessels in your skin will break open and release chemicals such as histamine and bradykinin into the surrounding tissues. These chemicals cause nearby blood platelets to stick together (clotting), which helps prevent further damage to your body’s tissues by sealing off damaged areas. Other cells called phagocytes then arrive at the scene of injury to help clean up cellular debris left over from dead tissue cells that have been destroyed by these chemical reactions.

However, if inflammation becomes systemically chronic it can eventually cause damage to your cardiovascular system—and this damage may not be visible on standard medical tests! This chronic inflammation promotes the growth of plaque, loosens plaque in your arteries, and triggers blood clots. These are some of the primary causes of myocardial infarctions (heart attacks) and strokes.


Gaining Acceptance

Recently, thromboxane A2 was accepted in the medical community to be an important inflammation marker that is directly related to heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases. Without a doubt, this is truly an incredible breakthrough in the medical community.  In fact, it means it is now medically relevant to watch thromboxane A2 levels as a crucial marker for risk of mortality from all CVD (cardiovascular disease). Furthermore, knowing if and by how much we can lower this specific, crucial inflammatory marker will assist us in helping people maintain a healthier heart and cardiovascular status.

A recent article published in the American College of Cardiology and entitled
Association of Thromboxane Generation with Survival in Aspirin Users and Nonusers” outlined the importance of testing for the marker. Overall, this study found that when the body produces a lot of this inflammatory marker, typically over 400, it is absolutely an independent risk factor for all cardiovascular disease.

Pre-Clinical Trials

Nancy has been exposed to the importance of the thromboxane A2 marker through her colleagues Gordon Ens and Elaina Goldsmith from Inflammatory Markers Labs in Illinois. Gordon brought a patented test of this marker to the market – and to Nan and her client base. In fact, Waters Edge Wellness is currently conducting pre-clinical trials on the decrease in thromboxane A2 levels after just one Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy session. In early test results, the pre-clinical trials have demonstrated at least a 20% decrease in thromboxane – that is roughly 130 points or more, which is clinically significant!


Overall, knowing if and by how much we can lower this crucial inflammatory marker can contribute to how we can help people maintain a healthy heart and cardiovascular status in a non-invasive and immediate manner. Although research shows the multitude of health benefits associated with Hyperbaric oxygen, it would truly be tremendous to see if there is a specific way the chamber impacts our heart and vessels! If you are interested in the pre-clinical trial or you would like to take the test for a greater understanding of your thromboxane marker levels, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

thromboxane a2



Science Direct | Medical News Today | Wikipedia

What is Thromboxane A2?

Thromboxane is a type of “substance” or enzyme that is created by our blood platelets. It’s considered a vasoconstrictor as well as an influential hypertensive agent. This means that it contributes to tightening muscles around small blood vessels (like those in your lungs), constricts blood vessels in the brain (causing headaches), and constricts blood vessels in the kidneys (making you urinate more).Thromboxane reduces the overall blood flow in the body, but most especially at the site of a clot. At the same time, it provides an increase in blood pressure. It can stick around for a long time, resulting in cardiovascular problems if not broken down quickly enough or removed from circulation by special enzymes.

Inflammation & the Cardiovascular System

thromboxane a2Inflammation is a very normal immune response that occurs when your body detects an infection or injury. It can be an annoying side effect that makes you feel swollen and sore, but it’s not always bad for you—sometimes it’s actually beneficial! When injuries occur, tiny blood vessels in your skin will break open and release chemicals such as histamine and bradykinin into the surrounding tissues. These chemicals cause nearby blood platelets to stick together (clotting), which helps prevent further damage to your body’s tissues by sealing off damaged areas. Other cells called phagocytes then arrive at the scene of injury to help clean up cellular debris left over from dead tissue cells that have been destroyed by these chemical reactions.However, if inflammation becomes systemically chronic it can eventually cause damage to your cardiovascular system—and this damage may not be visible on standard medical tests! This chronic inflammation promotes the growth of plaque, loosens plaque in your arteries, and triggers blood clots. These are some of the primary causes of myocardial infarctions (heart attacks) and strokes.

Gaining Acceptance

Recently, thromboxane A2 was accepted in the medical community to be an important inflammation marker that is directly related to heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases. Without a doubt, this is truly an incredible breakthrough in the medical community.  In fact, it means it is now medically relevant to watch thromboxane A2 levels as a crucial marker for risk of mortality from all CVD (cardiovascular disease). Furthermore, knowing if and by how much we can lower this specific, crucial inflammatory marker will assist us in helping people maintain a healthier heart and cardiovascular status.A recent article published in the American College of Cardiology and entitled “Association of Thromboxane Generation with Survival in Aspirin Users and Nonusers” outlined the importance of testing for the marker. Overall, this study found that when the body produces a lot of this inflammatory marker, typically over 400, it is absolutely an independent risk factor for all cardiovascular disease.

Pre-Clinical Trials

Nancy has been exposed to the importance of the thromboxane A2 marker through her colleagues Gordon Ens and Elaina Goldsmith from Inflammatory Markers Labs in Illinois. Gordon brought a patented test of this marker to the market – and to Nan and her client base. In fact, Waters Edge Wellness is currently conducting pre-clinical trials on the decrease in thromboxane A2 levels after just one Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy session. In early test results, the pre-clinical trials have demonstrated at least a 20% decrease in thromboxane – that is roughly 130 points or more, which is clinically significant!Overall, knowing if and by how much we can lower this crucial inflammatory marker can contribute to how we can help people maintain a healthy heart and cardiovascular status in a non-invasive and immediate manner. Although research shows the multitude of health benefits associated with Hyperbaric oxygen, it would truly be tremendous to see if there is a specific way the chamber impacts our heart and vessels! If you are interested in the pre-clinical trial or you would like to take the test for a greater understanding of your thromboxane marker levels, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.thromboxane a2


Science Direct | Medical News Today | Wikipedia